Jonathan Dickinson State Park’s Prescribed Fires and Fire Fest

Jonathan Dickinson State Park’s Prescribed Fires and Fire Fest

Prescribed Fires and Fire Fest at Jonathan Dickinson State Park

Watch Lis Contoli interview Park Services Specialist, Libby Reinert, and learn about how important prescribed fires are.

Fire Fest 2018

Those who attend Fire Fest 2018 (and send an email to [email protected] with proof of attendance) or watch the video and comment on three things they learned about Prescribed Fires have a chance to win a cabin stay of either one night or two nights at Jonathan Dickinson State Park!

(Proof of attendance to Fire Fest required)

Winner will be announced on December 1st, 2018.

If you are planning to attend Fire Fest 2018 on Saturday October 20th and are coming with more than 3 people, send an email to [email protected] with your name and contact information for a FREE STATE PARK ENTRANCE UP TO 8 PEOPLE PER VEHICLE.  (20 FREE ENTRANCES AVAILABLE)








19 Responses

  1. Bob smith says:

    16 different communities. Florida is the fire capital of the World. Animals hid or look for shelter during fires

  2. Stacey Haag says:

    Florida is the lightening capital of the united stated . Prescribed Fire mimics lightening . Some plants and animals need the fires to bloom and to make shelter .

  3. marichu santos says:

    I learned Fire Fest happens every year on the 3rd Saturday of October. Prescribed fires help mimick the real natural fire to help nature. Controlled fire allows the animals to have sufficient time to do what they need to do to survive a fire as opposed to a rapid natural fire where it can ultimately destroy them and their habitats!

  4. Landon Bess says:

    the first thing I learned is that they can control the burning, the second thing I learned was that some plants won’t bloom unless they are burned at a certain time of year, and the last thing I learned is that the bark on the tree can protect the tree from the fire.

  5. Maria Taylor says:

    Pine flatwoods is the most common natural community in Florida.
    Different natural communities need different types of fires.
    Florida is the lightening capital of the world

  6. Kristen says:

    Most natural fires are caused by lightening in the summer. Animals need the space that the fire create to build their shelters. Prescribed fires will typical take all day, burns slow enough that animals can escape.

  7. Christopher Wynn says:

    When lightning strikes in an area where there was a prescribed fire, it doesn’t travel as far as it would if there was a lot of brush.

    Having the area not as dense, Especially during a hurricane, allows wind to move more freely causing less damage and destruction.

    On the day of a burn, the burn boss send the prescription to be approved which includes all the details for how they are going to do the burn.



  9. Talia James says:

    Natural fires are more dangerous in Florida due to the storms wind, the fire can burn too fast causing harm to the animals.
    Prescribed fires are a lot safer due to it burning slow and gives animals time to escape.
    Prescribed fires will be done in an area every 2-3 years and depending on the foliage, every 7-15 years.

  10. Jason says:

    Watching this video I learned a few things about fires in Florida. By doing prescribed fires, they can reduce the damage caused by real fires. There are also different kinds of fires and the natural environment exists with and because of these fires. It is a small part of the life cycles.

  11. Ann walker says:

    Florida is the lightening capital of the world. 16 different communities. Box turtles did a hole as shelter.

  12. Brandy Bax says:

    3 things I learned: 1. Controlled fires are safer for animals. 2. Florida is the world capital for lightning. 3. Plants have evolved to need the fire cycles.

  13. John says:

    Wow, I had no idea that the fires actually contribute to reducing the damage caused by hurricanes! I did know the part about the bark protecting the trees, but the fact that some plants need the fires to reproduce is something I did not know. Pretty interesting how different species deal with the fires, those little box turtles are impressive.

  14. Lindsay Stevens says:

    Fires naturally thins our forest foliage which can help prevent decease and helps with the hurricane winds. Prescribed fires are started against the wind. They also hold a fire fest where locals can come see how a prescribed fire is done.

  15. Henry says:

    I learned trees spread disease easier when they are touching and prescription burns help thin them out. That prescribed fires mimic what lightning does naturally. Prescribed fires have to be submitted to the Florida forest services by the burn boss to approve the area, day time, and crew.

    crew for the burn.

  16. JoAnna says:

    Some animals and plants need fire to survive…the branches on the trees are trimmed… this allows the tree to survive during the fire…Florida is the lighting capital.

  17. Azzy LaVette says:

    Florida developed with fires derived from their storms and lightning. Plants and animals adapted and now need fire in order to survive. Each prescription fire requires an actual prescription to be approved before it can be carried out.

  18. Azzy LaVette says:

    Florida was naturally developed with fires derived from storms and lightning. Plants and animal life adapted to the fires and now need them in order to survive. An actual prescription needs to be approved before any prescription fires can be carried out.

  19. shannon haag says:

    A few things I have learned from this video is
    1. Florida is the fire capital of the US.
    2. Some of the plants need the fire to reproduce.
    3. By doing prescribed fires can reduce the damage from real fires as well as strong wind storms and are done every 2-3 years

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